On Mon, 2003-08-25 at 01:15, Curt Zirzow wrote:
> * Thus wrote Dennis Jacobfeuerborn ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > Hi!
> > The connection_* function don't seem to work for me and I can no longer
> > determine when the user has aborted the script. When I close the browser
> > window the script just keeps running. (see bug #23163)
> > 
> > The body of the script essentially looks like this:
> > 
> > while( !$done ) {
> >     $con->sendMessage("x"); # Send msg to Jabber server
> >     sleep(1);
> > }
> > 
> > I made an interesting and somewhat weird observation though:
> > If I use the print or echo command in the while-loop once (!) then the
> > script will terminate after the loop has run *exactly* three times after
> > the abort.
> > 
> > If I put more than one print/echo in the loop (2->inf) then the script
> > will terminate after *exactly* 2 (!) iterations of the loop after the
> > script has aborted.
> how is it your knowing the number of times it is going through the
> loop when the conneciton is aborted?

By counting the number of "x" messages I receive on the other end of the
Jabber connection.

>  If you know that the
> connection is aborted why isn't it breaking out of the loop? Do you
> have some code that can show this?

this code will just continue to send "x" messages after an abort:

while( !$done ) {
    $con->sendMessage("x"); # Send msg to Jabber server

this code will send exactly 3 "x" messages after an abort:

while( !$done ) {
    $con->sendMessage("x"); # Send msg to Jabber server
    print "foobar";

this code will send exactly 2 "x" messages after an abort:

while( !$done ) {
    $con->sendMessage("x"); # Send msg to Jabber server
    print "foobar";
    print "foobar"; # any additional number of print/echo commands will

I hope this helps.


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