Is emailtest.php executable, does it start with #!/usr/bin/php, is $HOME set?

Thomas Tremain wrote:

I have attempted to create a .procmailrc that looks like:

| $HOME/emailtest.php

I have also removed the forwarder from my /etc/valiases file.

Now I get: The following address(es) failed: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can I be sure Procmail is even handling my email? I thought Exim and
MailScanner took care of that.

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Donald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

This always gives me an error saying it cannot foraward.

If I pipe it to "|/usr/bin/php
it tells me: "No input file specified."

I use something like that in my .procmailrc:

:0 fw
| /usr/bin/spamassassin

* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes
        :0 c
        | $HOME/.spamassassin/spamcop.php

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