Hi guys, gals,

first off i just wanted to thank all of you who responded to my question,
they were very helpful...but the answers bring me to several new questions:

1) has anyone seen anything like this done with the reader ver. of acrobat
and not the full version of acrobat...could you point me somewhere where
FDF is actually implemented?

2) this question is more directed to Justin French, but in any case, the
reason i wanted to use the PDF forms is so that i don't have to create them
again in CSS or any other format, the forms are already created and all i
need to do is figure out how to make the data that people enter into them
"submittable."  but in any case, have you seen some pretty complex forms
made up of entirely CSS that i can look at?  i guess this solution would be
acceptable pending some examples....

3) now who do i send the nuts to?  but actually before i do that, i wanted
to see something like FDF in action

to see if this is exactly what i needed

thanks, ryan

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