
    JavaScript reload() function.
    If you have <FRAME name="menu"
    from the content frame do something like this:
    document.top.menu.reload() (can't remember exactly)


"Ronald Van Raaphorst" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> I have 3 frames:
> Top, Menu (menu.php?menuid=x) and Content ( Content.php?[ table=y |
> article=z])
> Menu.php displays a menu, and the selected item=x
> Content.php displays either a mysql table or an article.
> Now I don't want to refresh the menu frame when the topic is the same for
> another article, or table.
> But on some occasions, I want to menu to select another topic, based on a
> condition evaluated by Content.php.
> How can I optionally tell the menu frame to refresh?
> Ronald

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