On Tuesday, September 02, 2003, at 01:55PM, CPT John W. Holmes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>From: "John Bryan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> If so, the problem is that this file that is being uploaded
>> via the form to the program MyCppProg.exe gets sent
>> as THE input to the prog, apparently as a cgi-type
>> parameter through stdin (i.e. cin), so that when I try to
>> pass the value as a cgi parameter, it gets inserted INTO
>> the file that is being uploaded.
>Does this file already exist or are you looking to create it? It sounds like
>you just need to fopen() the file, tack on your "variable" at the end of the
>file (in some format) and then let the C++ program load the file, right?
>---John Holmes...

The file would already exist on the client side.  They are uploading the file to be 
processed by this program MyCppProg.exe, which is invoked as a form 'action'.  This 
already works, but depends on the Apache variable REMOTE_USER being set when user logs 
in, but we moving to implement a different method for authentication that involves 
talking to two different Oracle databases, password rules, etc., so this REMOTE_USER 
variable no longer gets set since we are bypassing Apache's authentication here.

So I need to set an 'environment' variable that remains visible to scripts and progs 
within the session space, that can then be grabbed by the MyCppProg.exe, for example 
with getenv("MyEnvVar").  It used to use getenv("REMOTE_USER").

I'm hoping to not have this variable have to be part of the file that gets uploaded.


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