Hi all,

To explain my problem, I'll have to draw a directory structure (please
bear with me :-):

    |    |
    |    +--<dir:sub-sub-dir1>
         |    |
         |    +--<dir:sub-sub-sub-dir1>

The directory <common-pics> contains some pictures that will be common
to the whole site. I want to use purely relative links, of the form
../../../<common-pics>/pic1.gif (for files in the directory
<sub-sub-sub-dir1>), to link to these common images (this link will be
../../<common-pics>/pic1.gif for <sub-sub-dir1>, <sub-sub-dir2> and
<sub-sub-dir3> etc.).

How can I (essentially) determine the depth of a document wrt the
document root? Basically, I want to have a funtion (say, findDepth())
that I can use to write out my image tags in the following form:

  <img src="<?echo findDepth();?>/<common-pics>/pic1.gif">

which will produce the correct number of double-dot-slash (../)

What help can PHP offer me - i.e., how can I write my hypothetical
findDepth() function? Please help!!


  If the hypothetical function findDepth() returns the appropriate
  string, does it _need_ to be echoed or will just putting
  <?findDepth();?> in the correct place work?


Harshdeep Singh Jawanda.

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