> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kevin Porter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 9:37 AM
> Subject: [PHP] separate php.ini files
> I need to build two copies of a website on one machine - one 
> for development and one for a backup. I want to be able to use
> different php.ini files with each copy of the site. Can I do
> this without compiling two Apache/PHP excutables? ie can it be
> done with virtual hosting somehow or by any other means?

You can only have one php.ini for each instance of PHP.


You can also control the PHP settings for each copy of the site by using
php configuration directives in the relevant sections of your

Mark Roedel           | "I know the answer!  The answer lies within the
Systems Programmer    |  heart of all mankind!  The answer is twelve?!?
LeTourneau University |  I think I'm in the wrong building."
Longview, Texas, USA  |           -- Peppermint Patty (Charles Schultz) 

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