Done something similar on a pentium pro around a million years ago :-)
gazillion dollar databases would find it hard to compete with mysql on the speed of select queries. but mysql can't compete on inserts most notably on tables with lot of indexes.

If you have to insert thousands of rows in one go i suggest you drop index -> insert data -> create index. Alternatively use load data in file

all the best

other supporting tables for relationships. When it comes to reporting
and querying this DB I am worried that it will very quickly become very
large and slow. Can mysql handle this? Are there any techniques to
speed it up? I will trying indexing major columns.

I have also considered keeping all previous days attendance in a
separate table from the current days attendance and moving things over
in the middle of the night. This way any operations on the current days
data will go quickly, but reports on long term things will still be
slow. Good idea?


Drag and Drop File Uploader.

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