Are you using mysql_pconnect or just mysql_connect?

Donald Tyler wrote:

I have a script that is processing data from a single table and splitting it
into smaller normalized tables.

The script takes anywhere between 5-10 minutes to complete, and as it runs
it constantly outputs a report on its progress.

The script seems to run fine the first time I run it, but with subsequent
runs (To see if it incorrectly creates duplicates of records etc), after a
couple of minutes the script ends with an error message saying "Lost
connection to MySQL server during query".

During the first run, the script is mostly just chopping up the data and
placing it in the new tables, and doing a little comparing. But during
subsequent runs, all of the records in the new tables should already exist,
so the script see's this, and instead of creating new records, it compares
them to see if its correct.

Does anyone have any idea why it would be losing connection all the time?

This is just being run on a test server at the moment. Being used as the
server and also the client, configured as follows:

Windows XP Tablet Edition

PHP 4.3.3

PHP Extensions: XmlRPC

MySQL 4.0.14

Apache 2.0.47

Please help, this has been making my life hell for a week now!



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