Hello all,

I'm working on an entry page where I would like to show some of the
current headlines from technology websites. I've been following and
pretty much understand the article on devshed
http://www.devshed.com/Server_Side/PHP/PHPRDF/page1.html Plugging RDF
content into your Website. From what I gather from the article is that
he uses a foreach loop to display the Title, link and description which
could be anywhere from 5 to 15 links. I only have room on my page for 3
and then I plan on putting a more link taking visitors to a page where
I'll have more room.

I was reading in the Welling/Thomson book about converting a foreach
loop into another loop. Here is the original foreach loop and then what
I was trying to convert it to:

foreach ($items as $item)
        echo "<tr><td><a href=" . $item["link"] . ">" . $item["title"] .
"</a><br>" . $item["description"] .  "</td></tr>"; }


for ($row=0; $row<2; $row++)
   while (list ( $key, $value) = each ($items[$row]))
echo "<tr><td><a href=" . $item["link"] . ">" . $item["title"] .
"</a><br>" . $item["description"] .  "</td></tr>"; 

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Right now I don't get an
error but I also don't get any text or results.

Thanks - Frank

Here is the code from the original article:


<basefont face="Verdana">

<table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5">
<td><b>New releases on freshmeat.net today:</b></td>

// XML file
$file = "http://www.freshmeat.net/backend/fm-releases.rdf";;

// set up some variables for use by the parser
$currentTag = "";
$flag = "";
$count = 0;

// this is an associative array of channel data with keys
$channel = array();

// this is an array of arrays, with each array element representing an
// each outer array element is itself an associative array 
// with keys ("title", "link", "description")
$items = array();

// opening tag handler
function elementBegin($parser, $name, $attributes)
        global $currentTag, $flag;
        $currentTag = $name;
        // set flag if entering <channel> or <item> block
        if ($name == "ITEM")
                $flag = 1;
        else if ($name == "CHANNEL")
                $flag = 2;

// closing tag handler       
function elementEnd($parser, $name)
        global $currentTag, $flag, $count;
        $currentTag = "";

        // set flag if exiting <channel> or <item> block
        if ($name == "ITEM")
                $flag = 0;
        else if ($name == "CHANNEL")
                $flag = 0;

// character data handler
function characterData($parser, $data)
        global $currentTag, $flag, $items, $count, $channel;
        $data = trim(htmlspecialchars($data));
        if ($currentTag == "TITLE" || $currentTag == "LINK" ||
$currentTag == "DESCRIPTION")
                // add data to $channels[] or $items[] array
                if ($flag == 1)
                        $items[$count][strtolower($currentTag)] .=
                else if ($flag == 2)
                        $channel[strtolower($currentTag)] .= $data;


// create parser
$xp = xml_parser_create();

// set element handler
xml_set_element_handler($xp, "elementBegin", "elementEnd");
xml_set_character_data_handler($xp, "characterData");
xml_parser_set_option($xp, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, TRUE);
xml_parser_set_option($xp, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, TRUE);

// read XML file
if (!($fp = fopen($file, "r"))) 
      die("Could not read $file");

// parse data
while ($xml = fread($fp, 4096)) 
    if (!xml_parse($xp, $xml, feof($fp))) 
                die("XML parser error: " .

// destroy parser

// now iterate through $items[] array
// and print each item as a table row

foreach ($items as $item)
        echo "<tr><td><a href=" . $item["link"] . ">" . $item["title"] .
"</a><br>" . $item["description"] .  "</td></tr>"; }


Frank Miller
Computer Specialist and Webmaster
Texas A&M University-Texarkana
2600 N. Robison Rd
Texarkana, Texas 75501
Office  165
Phone (903)223-3156 (2*2*61*37017349)
Fax     (903)223-3139

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