I'm trying to get the total number of a certain records from a database,
but the result is always '1'. Please advise!

=MySql Table =
=activitiy =

id  |  employee_id | project_id | date
1   | 45           | 60         | 2003-09-09
2   | 34           | 10         | 2003-09-10
3   | 45           | 45         | 2003-09-10
4   | 23           | 30         | 2003-04-11

Now, I'm trying to get the following info:
 - Total Number of employees in the datbase
 - Total number of projects
 -total number of projects per employee

I currently have

$_sql = "select count(*) as TotalRecords, count(employee_id) as
TotalEmployees, count(project_id) as TotalProjects GROUP BY employee_id,

$_qry = mysql_query($_sql) or die('...blah...');

$_res = mysql_fetch_object($_qry);


echo $_res->TotalRecords;  //prints nothing
echo $_res->TotalEmployees;   // returns 1
echo $_res->TotalProjects;   //also return 1

Your query doesn't even have a "FROM Table" in it. Hopefully that's just a cut and paste error, as you should see your "die" message because of that error.

You're not going to get the results you're after with a single query (unless you have PHP do some of the counting). Look at using a couple different queries to get your count.

One solution may be:

SELECT employee_id, COUNT(*) AS NumProjects FROM activity GROUP BY employee_id;

The number of rows returned will be the number of employees. Each row will list the employee_id and how many times it appeared in the table. If project_id is not repeated for a given employee_id, then this will be your project count. As you loop throught the results, keep a running total of the NumProjects column to get the total projects.

---John Holmes...

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