On Fri, 16 Mar 2001 12:04, Paul R. Jackson wrote:
> Hello,
> This is my first post to the group so go easy on me.
> I am using apache httpd.conf file to redirect 404 errors to a page
> which basically displays and error message, amongst other things. It
> all works fine but...
> I want to be able to find out what the document that they attempted to
> access was named, so I can display and log the value to a special log
> that I am using for othger purposes.
> Should the 'not found' url be in $REDIRECT_ERROR_NOTES ???
> This value doesn't seem to be set. And its not in any of the
> I know the answer will be something simple but I cant seem to find much
> help anywhere. Any help or push in the direction of a useful web page
> would be nice.
> Paul

Check out REQUEST_URI - from that you can build a full URL if you need it.

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