Peter James wrote:
You guys running Linux sure are cocky about these sorts of things.  I have
no doubt that Linux' time will come, and then it will be the MacOS X users,
or FreeBSD users, or [insert random-os-that-still-remains-under-the-radar
here] users that think they are "untouchable".

If Linux enjoyed the same type of (often less-than-computer-literate) user
base that Windows does, there'd be plenty for virus writers and
vulnerability exploiters to do.  Linux is not necessarily more secure...
just not a honeypot of large numbers of gullible users.

Not as cut and dry as that. By design, Linux IS more secure. Great deal of that security lies in the fact that it IS a true multi-user system (like just about every other non-MS OS out there), with a real permission / user / group mindset.

But that's just my 2 cents (for which I will almost certainly earn the title
of troll).

Not a troll, just misinformed.

It's all about the Rush

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