On Monday 22 September 2003 15:42, Adrian Teasdale wrote:
> Charles
> Try oscommerce.org - it's an open source app written in PHP that has a
> fantastic community and is incredibly feature-rich.  I'm not associated
> with the project, but I have used it

My 2 cents. OSCommerce is great if you want to use it out of the box, but we 
tried to extend it and alter some of it's functions and the code is very 
obtuse and making changes in one spot can lead to problems in others. Also, 
it tries to throw in the kitchen-sink worth of options and if you need 
something slimmer or more easily configured you might be better off starting 
from another codebase.

That being said..if you're looking for an OSS program which works well for 
what it's meant to be..a full featured shopping cart solution..then look no 

Henrik Hudson

"`If there's anything more important than my ego
around, I want it caught and shot now.'" 
        --Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

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