
I've googled to try to find an answer to this. I've also checked the php.net site. Perhaps I'm not using the correct search parameters. The only suggestion I've found is the following code:

header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
header('Pragma: no-cache');

But this doesn't seem to solve my problems.

My problem/question is as follows.

I have an email script that works in the following steps:

1) Login (if success then "FROM" and a personal email signature are properly populated)

2) Choose specifics for the email (this populates the "TO" variable and the other "BODY" variables)

3) Then click on preview (this creates the email with all the current variables, on the screen for viewing)

4) Then send the email

5) Prompted to create another or logout (if create another, then some session variables are unset) (if logout then session is destroyed)

Everything works as intended.

One user, however, has created a glitch. He/she logged out and later returned to their still opened browser and used the "back" button to return to step 2 in the process. Every email they created after using the back button has the following problems:
1) The reply to address and the from address are both default server address's and not the users personal email address.
2) Their is no personal signature.

Here's my questions....
1) How can I prevent the use of the browser "back" button after someone logs out?
2) If, after a user has attained step 3, they use their back button to change a variables value in step 2, the new value is never saved by the session and their original entry is used in the email. How can I adjust for people using their "back" buttons during the individual steps of the script?
3) Should the header calls appear before the session_start or after?

Thanks in advance,

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