> Hi,
> I don't want to argue about anything, just point out something
> that occurred
> to me.
> First of all, I am a newbie as far as PHP is concerned, though I am more
> than comfortable with programming.
> I recently asked a pretty simple question on this list ("Finding the
> depth"). I could have found out the answer to it in about 10-15 minutes on
> my own, thanks to my experience with programming. Still, I posted the
> question to this list. Why?
> What did I gain:
>    * I saved time.
>    * I got to see _PHP_code_ for solving my problem. Any solution from me
>      would have been more C++ than PHP. I got to become more familiar with
>      thinking the PHP way.

Very reasonable.

> What did I lose:
>    * Nothing, because reading the code snippet and investigating the
>      functions used therein taught me all I needed to know (for this
>      instance). Following the "See also" links taught me some more.
> Did I _waste_ somebody else's time? I don't really think so.
> Plus, a posting
> can always be ignored...

Yes, but not dozens of 'wastefull' postings...=(

> An answer saying "RTFM" and pointing me the relevant functions
> (even if they
> were just function names) would have been good enough too. But then I
> wouldn't have gotten to see an experienced person's PHP code.
> The question is: how many of you think that that posting was "ok" and how
> many had to curb the temptation to flame me :-)?

The question itself was fine.  I think the FAQ postings haven't been about
Newbie's to PHP, but newbie's to programming in general asking Programming
questions in the guise of being PHP questions.  There are many resources out
there on the basics of programming, and their is simply no excuse for not
understanding what a variable is, what a loop is, and how a function works.

However, I don't expect the average person to know the Rules of
Normalization for database design, nor do I expect the average PHP person to
understand classes.  These concepts, while common for the experiences
programmer, is something that some people just do not deal with.  These are
the times the questions are okay.  But when you simply don't understand the
concept behind what you want (at least in your post, you understood what you
wanted to accomplish, understood how it could be accomplished, but wanted to
instead find a better/faster way), you are merely hiding the truth.

The mailing list is here not so PHP programmers can program things for
people, but to help people learn (and help out with the occasional problem).
It just bothers me that I spend time learning to program, learning other
languages, learning PHP.  If I can't figure something out, I don't jump
right to the mailing list or the news group.  I take my time, look through
all my manuals, my own code, look back through the PHPManual and logically
deduce what the problem is.  So far that method has worked very well.
Agreed, sometimes a function may not be working like I thought it would, and
I need someone to post some sample code for it in use, but that is not me
not understanding the concepts of programming.  Thats merely syntax.

Programming is 90% creativity.  The rest is just syntax.

Jason Lotito
Where those who can, teach;
and those who can, learn.

> Btw, I too don't like all those "PHP editor" and "How to loop" type of
> questions ;-). But then, I simply delete them and that's it!
> --
> Regards,
> Harshdeep Singh Jawanda.

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