As the previous comment states: MySQL is a DB, it's built to store data,
so it's pretty good at it, and the limiting factors re usually your
However, just one thought. I am always very protective of my databases.
If data is never going to change and no other process will be accessing
the data , then I usually think twice before i store it in a db. It
sounds to me like these reports are pretty "static" once they are run,
ie, they are date dependant ( report xyz for the period 2000-01-01 to
2001-01-01), and arguably, the data that was used to generate that
specific report is also "fixed" in history. So my assumption would be
that the report would also never change again. So, if that is the case,
why not generate the report, and simply save the "static" html version
of the report on the file system as a normal html file?

If your reports are not as my assumption states, then simply store them
in mysql, i assure you it can handle it. As I stated, you must just be
aware of hardware and your OS/filesystem limitation wrt table sizes.

On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 08:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi all, 
>        I am having some doubts here and hope to hear some advices/solutions from
> all of you out there. Right now, I have a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly
> reports which stores information on all my customers. These info will of course,
> be stored in the DB.(MySQL). As all these reports are not to be deleted, it will
> accumulate as years go by. And so, my question is: is it possible to have such a
> system in my project and how should I go about doing it??Can the MySQL DB hold
> all this big chunk of info?
> These report info are to be viewed in a graphical format(PHP Graph)later on....
> Regards, 
> Irin.

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