on 10/2/03 7:00 AM, Jay Blanchard at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> [snip]
>> Because it is not a bug, it is bad code design! 8000+ lines of $x = 1; is
>> just
>> downright goofy! Did you happen to try it with 8000+ repeated blocks of any
>> other type? My bet is that it would quit then too.
> Yeah no crash because that's only a couple lines of code :)  And yeah it
> doesnąt matter what you have in there just as long as you have that many
> lines.. 
> I didn't try include files, but apparently that counts as lines of codes
> also.. so 8000+ total lines.. I agree, but it does crash and apparently the
> guy that found the bug does write that many lines of code.. don't ask me.. I
> don't know why :)
> [/snip]
> You said you looped - "I created a loop that assigned $x = 1; a whole bunch of
> times"
> But anyhow, I digress. We have several files that exceed 8000 (we try not to
> write them that big, but YMMV) lines of code that there are no problems with.
> My bet is that it has to do with memory amount and allocation, which would
> explain differences between yours and his.

Well actually yes I did say:

> So I tried it out.. at first I created a loop that assigned $x = 1; a whole
> bunch of times, but that didnąt crash anything..

But then I went on and said:

> I then read the authors post a little closer and I realized it was a number of
> lines problem.. so I created a php file that had a whole bunch of $x = 1;
> commands in it.. 7996 to be exact.. add the opening and closing php tag.. that
> made 7998 lines.. the script still worked.. Now I added one more line so that
> there were 7999 lines and guess what?  Yep you got it.. my script didnąt work
> anymore.  

And apparently it only happens on OS X boxes as the author said in the bugg
report <http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=25394>.. so if you're on an OS X box
then Im not sure why it works for you and every single person that has
tested it on an OS X box so far it hasnąt worked.. I would be very curious
as to how you built your php on your OS X box.. and to figure out the

Maybe we'll figure this thing out! :)


Until you have learned to be tolerant with those who do not always agree
with you; until you have cultivated the habit of saying some kind word of
those whom you do not admire; until you have formed the habit of looking for
the good instead of the bad there is in others, you will be neither
successful nor happy. - Napolean Hill

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