John Taylor-Johnston wrote:
Brian or anyone,

Ok, supposing I don't want someone to be able to use <script language="php"> and I'm the paranoid sysadmin, (WebCT system see open source What advice would you give me? Students are allowed to upload files to my server through a special ftp account. Already, they can't upload files with *.pl, *.php or *.asp etc. But I need to enable php in *.htm files for myself.

But I'm talking about PHP here. Students on a WbCT system. They cannot, however, upload files, even htm, if there is <?php or <? or ?> in them. What other hacks might I think of and code for?

Wouldn't it be a WHOLE lot smarter to just disable/enable PHP for specific sites/folders, etc? What web server are you using?

---John Holmes...

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