Hey, I think I mis-understood you and my first version didn't do what you want, so I 
added what you needed.


function DirStat($directory) {
 global $FolderCount, $FileCount, $FolderSize;

 $directory = getcwd();
 $open = opendir($directory);
 if($open) {
  while($file = readdir($open)) {
   if($file == ".." || $file == ".") continue;
   if(is_file($file)) {
    $FolderSize += filesize($file);
   } elseif(is_dir($file)) {
  if($FolderCount > 0) {
   $open2 = opendir($directory);
   while($folders = readdir($open2)) {
    $folder = $directory."/".$folders;
    if($folders == ".." || $folders == ".") continue;
    if(is_dir($folder)) {
     echo DirStat($folder);

function ByteSize($bytes) {
  $size = $bytes / 1024;
  if($size < 1024){
   $size = number_format($size, 2);
   $size .= "kb";
  } else {
   if($size / 1024 < 1024) {
    $size = number_format($size / 1024, 2);
    $size .= "mb";
   } else {
    $size = number_format($size / 1024 / 1024, 2);
    $size .= "gb";
  return $size;

$dir = getcwd();
DirStat("tmp", 0);

$FolderSize = ByteParse($FolderSize);

echo $FileCount;
echo "</p>\n";
echo $FolderSize;


The DirStat() function is almost unchanged except that it now passes out the byte size 
of the directories read. I also threw in a chdir() to get you back to your working 
directory. The major addition here is the ByteSize() function.  That function takes 
the integer which is your total size of the directory and converts it into a nice 
formatted number either in kb, mb, or gb accordingly.  You'll find it uses true file 
size as well, not "industry standard" sizing.

Nathan Taylor
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ms Carlsson 
  Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 2:44 PM
  Subject: [PHP] dir size

  is it possible to count  a size of a dir and all sub dirs in php ? and if, 


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