Hi John--

Your name caught my eye, so I had to reply!

Unfortunately I run PHP on Linux so can't be sure about 
your situation with Windex.

But I think your problem is that you are opening your 
phpinfo.php file from your local file system. You 
should instead open it through your webserver. (i.e. 
enter your local domain name or IP address into your 

To explain: phpinfo() is a PHP function that simply 
lists a lot of useful information about your PHP 
setup. But for it to be invoked, it must be run 
through the PHP interpreter. If you open it via your 
local file system, you bypass PHP. (When you installed 
Dreamweaver, it probably configured Winduhs to invoke 
DW whenever you open a .php file locally.)

Hope this helps.


(Another) John Hicks

On Sunday 05 October 2003 01:28 pm, John Hicks wrote:
> Hi list,
> I have just installed PHP4.3.3-Win32. I have a book
> that said create a phpinfo.php ( <? phpinfo(); ?> )
> file and place it in my Apache 2 htdocs file. I did
> this and when I run it opens in a blank page of
> DreamweaverMX.
> I tried to "open with" Internet Explorer and it does
> nothing.
> My question is what file would tell it to open in
> DWMX or how do I get to the opening set-up page of
> PHP.
> I used php4.3.3-installer.exe but I got the message
> that it would have to be installed manually.
> Any help or direction would be appreciated.
> John H.

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