people will still be able to see your style sheet, by folling the link to
your css file.
how are you apling the variables in the first place? now that you are link
to a style sheet what has changed (apperance wise) with the output of the
page. is the formating not being applied? can you send a sample of what you
are trying to do?

"Raquel Rice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm currently building a dynamic site which draws page configuration
> variables from config (ini) files.  To use those variables from the
> ini files, I write the style sheet in the header of each page.
> Here's my problem.  I want to link to a style sheet rather than
> writing it to the page head, so that it's not visible by viewing the
> page source.  I'm not sure how to draw the variable values from the
> ini file and apply them to the style sheet.  Does anyone have any
> help?
> --
> Raquel
> ============================================================
> He who possesses the source of enthusiasm will achieve great things.
>  Doubt not. You will gather friends around you as a hair clasp
> gathers the hair.
>   --I Ching (B.C. ?)

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