On Mon, 6 Oct 2003 11:13:04 -0700, you wrote:

>I'm currently building a dynamic site which draws page configuration
>variables from config (ini) files.  To use those variables from the
>ini files, I write the style sheet in the header of each page.
>Here's my problem.  I want to link to a style sheet rather than
>writing it to the page head, so that it's not visible by viewing the
>page source.  I'm not sure how to draw the variable values from the
>ini file and apply them to the style sheet.  Does anyone have any

How often will they change, realistically? There's a case for just
hard-coding them - a CSS file is pretty much a config file anyway.

Or running a script as a cron job that updates the CSS once a day from the
config file.

Of neither of those are acceptable... CSS files don't actually have to end
with .css.

Rename your *.css file to *.php, and add a

    header('Content-Type: text/css');

line at the top of the file. If you go this route, make sure you've got your
caching headers set up correctly - if the browser comes back for the CSS
file every single time, you've defeated the object of having it.

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