
function fixhisnumber($str){

//remove all but numbers
$str = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/","",$str);

//append 1, unless it's already there
$str = $str[0] == '1'? $str:"1".$str;

if (strlen($str) == 10) return $str;
else return -1;



On Fri, 2003-10-10 at 14:01, Lists wrote:
> I do not know if this is the right list, but if someone could help me with 
> the following
> I need a function that does this:
> function phone($num) {
> take num and remove anything that is not a number
> ex: () - / 
> If there is not 1 at the start, add a one to the start of the number.
> make sure that the number is 10 digits (if not return -1)
> }
> Thank you for your help,
> Michael

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