exec("/bin/scan & > /dev/null 2>/dev/null");

Daevid Vincent wrote:
How can I cause PHP to fire off a unix program and NOT wait for a reply.
Basically I want to use the "&" love the unix provides, but it seems that
exec, passthrough, system and even ` ` all wait for a return despite my
putting something like exec("/bin/scan &"); or `/bin/scan &`


The sitch is that I'm scanning/pinging/nmap a HUGE amount of IP addresses.
Perhaps 254 - 65000 or more individual iP addresses. We have a multithreaded
scanner that we wrote in C that can to this quickly, but it's still a wait.
It pulls from a db the ips to scan and sets their up/down flags. My php
scheduler page queries to get the ones that are up.

So as you see, I don't want to wait for a return code, I know the status via
the db and how many rows are done/need to be done.

Daevid Vincent.

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