On Fri, 2003-10-17 at 01:43, Nagib Abi Fadel wrote:
> Hi,
> i have been using php for 1 year till now, and i never
> felt the need to use an object.
> Can some one tell me where and why should i use the
> object oriented coding in PHP ?
> I meen i have been able to do all the things i want
> without using any object (I know that objects could
> make my code more structured).
> I have read the php docs, there's no inheritance (as
> far as i've read) ...
> I would really appreciate any advice.

- There is inheritance.
- There is polymorphism
- There is encapsulation

These things are often a matter of preference and can to some degree or
another be cooked without objects, albeit not as elegantly.

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