Hi there,

> I would like to implement direct credit card payment on my site with a
> gateway (SET).
> Can somebody recommend low price gateway companies. It seems to me that
> prices verry a lot.

PayQuake has the best rates I've seen. They can be a PITA when setting up, but otherwise they're good.
> http://www.payquake.com

You are right, the prices are really great. However they only go for US accounts. If you are located outside you have to pay 399$US setup fee!

Does anybody know a good credit card gateway company for German cusomors?

Thank you for any hint,


Becoming Digital wrote:

PayQuake has the best rates I've seen.  They can be a PITA when setting up, but 
otherwise they're good.

Edward Dudlik
"Those who say it cannot be done
should not interrupt the person doing it."

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----- Original Message ----- From: "Merlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, 15 October, 2003 16:02
Subject: [PHP] credit card gateway

Hi there,

I would like to implement direct credit card payment on my site with a gateway (SET).

Can somebody recommend low price gateway companies. It seems to me that prices verry a lot.

Any suggest is appreciated.



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