Curt, et al --

...and then Curt Zirzow said...
% * Thus wrote David T-G ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
% > 
% > Should I use $_SESSION for everything or should I use session_start and
% > session_register and friends instead?  Is there a clear win with either
% > one?
% $_SESSION is the proper way to do it (with globals off), you will still need to call
% session_start() on each page.

Ahhh...  OK; that's the key.  So I session_start but that's all, and then
I write into $_SESSION to save it and read from $_SESSION whenever I want
its value.  And to unset a var (incorrect password entered so I want to
wipe out that entry) can I unset($_SESSION[varname])?  And, finally, do I
need session_write_close() any more?

The way I'm doing things at the moment has all of my session stuff in my
main include file, which gets called first.  It looks like

  session_name('$sname') ;
  session_start() ;
  session_register('pw') ;
  session_register('authemail') ;

and it keeps all of "that session stuff" out of the way of the rest of
the code, where I later just check

  if ( $pw != $passwordcom )

and such.  It seems to me that for a fast fix I could set $pw and other
vars in my include file in place of registering them and then, later,
take my time to correctly switch over to $_POST['pw'] and $_SESSION['pw']
everywhere.  Does that sound like a good two-step approach to get all of
my code back up and running the soonest?  [I won't be able to check this
today but I'll be on it tomorrow morning at 0500ET when my day starts, so
please don't think I'm just fishing for answers; I'd love to see some by
then but if not I'll forge off on my own!]

% Curt

Thanks & HAND

David T-G                      * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, "Science and Health"      Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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