I think always using addslashes is better because you have to write
clean cide instead of trusting in a funktion which can be disabled on
some servers.

To avoid double-escaping I use this code:

function stripslashes_array($array) {
 while(list($key,$val)=each($array)) {
  if(is_string($val)) $array[$key]=stripslashes($val);
  elseif(is_array($val)) $array[$key]=stripslashes_array($val);
 return $array;

if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
  if(is_array($_REQUEST)) $_REQUEST=stripslashes_array($_REQUEST);
  if(is_array($_POST)) $_POST=stripslashes_array($_POST);
  if(is_array($_GET)) $_GET=stripslashes_array($_GET);
  if(is_array($_COOKIE)) $_COOKIE=stripslashes_array($_COOKIE);

> If you are doing both addslashes() and have magic_quotes_gpc turned on, 
> then yes, you are double-escaping things.

> From a performance-perspective I doubt you could measure much difference, 
> but I suppose doing it through magic_quotes_gpc would be faster assuming 
> you need to escape all your GPC data.  If you have a lot of GPC data that 
> doesn't need to be escaped, then only running addslashes() on the data 
> that needs it might be more efficient.

> -Rasmus

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