
First thing you need to do is find the location of your php.ini file. I typically create a document with the function phpinfo (); and load it up in the browser. This will tell you the location of the php.ini file. From there you need to use your favorite command line editor to open the php.ini file. I prefer to use VI, so I will give you instructions for that. (I will list the actual keystrokes you need to press to open/save the file. E.g. <Enter> would be pressing the enter key and / would be pressing the / key.)

1. vi /location/to/php.ini
2. /upload_max_filesize<Enter>
3. Arrow keys to the the position where the 2 (or whatever number it is) is.
4. x
5. i
6. 99999999999999 (or what ever value you want)
7.<Esc>:wq<Enter> (Escape, colon, w, q, Enter)

From there you will want to reload apache or whatever webserver you are using.

Jordan S. Jones
Feel free to donate

Dave wrote:

Hi I need to edit my php.ini file. I tried to do this through ftp but no go. I am really desperate. How do I do it through putty. Ie
I log in
su to root
Please give me step by step instructions including how to save and make my changes.
I need to do the following
I need to change my php ini file as follows ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 2M

Chance It To

; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 999999999999999999999M

Please Help me I am so desperate. :(

-- I am nothing but a poor boy. Please Donate.. https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=list%40racistnames.com&item_name=Jordan+S.+Jones&no_note=1&tax=0&currency_code=USD

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