Is it free?
"John Black" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Greetings everyone,
> We have just launched a new product called codeSECURE and would like you
> check it out.
> codeSECURE is a PHP obfuscator.
> Basically codeSecure is a small collection of scripts to "obfuscate" or
> "garble up" php code so that PHP developers can protect their intellectual
> property, distribute "locked" php scripts, time expiring scripts etc.
> While making it nearly impossible for a human to understand or read your
> code/scripts, they will cause no problem for the computer to decipher and
> run.
> E.g.
> $a="Hello world";
> will become something like
> $23sfaAST3s="v4Mwuz24fz{(2{w";
> For details, check us out at
> If  you have any away, I and my partner will try our best
> to answer all questions/suggestions/criticisms etc.
> Regards,
> JB.

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