including/requiring a file does not change the directory, the code is simply inserted into the current context. So you should have:

index.php:         include_once('classes/globals.php')
dbase.php:         include_once('classes/globals.php')
controller.php:    include_once('classes/dataaccess/dbase.php')

Allex wrote:
Hi all,

What's the syntax for including/requiring files located in directories different than the root directory? Especially files from different sub directories under the root? Going down ("classes/globals.php") is ok, but going up ("../globals.php") makes problems


index.php:         include_once('classes/globals.php') -> works fine;
dbase.php:         include_once('../globals.php') -> generates an error;
controller.php:    include_once('../dataaccess/dbase.php') -> error;

root (dir)
+-classes (dir)
|  +-interface (dir)
|  | |-controller.php
|  +-dataaccess (dir)
|  | |-dbase.php
|  |globals.php

I'm running PHP 4.3.2 with Apache 2 on WinXP box.


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