I started writting an install script that would talk to a PHP script on one
server while being used on another.

So you would have http://www.someserver.com/install.php -->
http://www.homesever.com/install.php via CURL without the users knowledge.
The script would pass certain variables and if one didnt jive then the
install would stop and a message would be sent back.  If everything was okay
then the client would have the rest of the source ftp'd to the
http://www.someserver.com server and the install would continue until
everything was finished.  I have done very little with CURL, I'm not sure if
there are any tutorials or anything else that I could see to get some good
examples of both ends of the process anyone know of any?  Anyone know of a
better way?  I'm also looking into XML or Java on the authorization end but
not sure yet.



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