Hey people,

    Something odd is happening :) I've this form on a page:

<form method=post action="\basics\quotation-add">

 <td><input type=text size=30 name=author_name>
 <th>New Category
 <td><input type=text size=30 name=new>
 <td><select name=category>
   $categorias = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT category FROM quotations");
   $lincat = mysql_fetch_row ($categorias);
   while ($lincat != false){   //loop through the records enquanto ha linhas
      $cat = $lincat[0];
      echo "<option value=\"".$cat."\">".$cat ; //and place it in the select
      $lincat = mysql_fetch_row ($categorias);# pega uma linha

 <td><textarea name=quote cols=50 rows=8></textarea>
<input type=submit value=Add>

    And then I have in quotations-add:

  echo $_POST['category'];
  echo $_POST['new'];
  echo $_POST['author_name'];

  echo $_POST['quote'];

    And what I get ist:

Notice: Undefined index: category in C:\Programme\Apache
Group\Apache2\htdocs\basics\quotation-add.php on line 85

Notice: Undefined index: new in C:\Programme\Apache
Group\Apache2\htdocs\basics\quotation-add.php on line 86

    Where the 'author_name' and 'quote' POST variables are ok, why aren't
'new' and 'category' coming?

    Thanks again,

Joao Penna Andrade
Undergraduate, Mechanical Engineering

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