Hello all, hope that everyone had a nice weekend.
I'm new to this form. I am about to install mysql, apache, and php on my linux box
(redhat 7)

I went to the php site, but I'm a little bit lost. I found this link on there but
I dont know if thats the way I have to set it up . I'm setting all these program
for creating a Admin ticket .
Heres the site just in case you  guys like to take a look at. I found the site in
the dec issue of linux Joarnal .

Not my question is.
Would this be the right way of setting up php , mysql , and php . Can anyone check
this site out for me.

also can you please tell me on the section were you ./configure the php . Would
I be using the apxs setting or the red hat . Im' sorry if its a stupid question
but I'm new to all this php thing.

Thank you


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