I am just learning to use objects. I am messing around with a shopping cart
object, but am having confusing problems. I am getting an undefined index
error when trying to assign a key value pair to an array variable within an
object. I am confused becuase I believe this is how you assign array
variables outside an object. It acts like the variable is undefined. Thanks
for the help.

Steve Turner

class Cart
    var $items;  // Items in shopping cart

    // Add $quantity articles of $product_id to the cart

    function add_item ($product_id, $quantity = 1)
        $this->items[$product_id] += $quantity;

    // Take $quantity articles of $product_id out of the cart

    function remove_item ($product_id, $quantity)
        if ($this->items[$product_id] > $quantity)
            $this->items[$product_id] -= $quantity;
            return true;
            return false;

//I am interacting with the object with the following code
$cart = new Cart;
$cart->add_item("10", 1);

foreach ($cart as $product_id => $quantity)
echo $product_id . "<br>" . $quantity;

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