--- Pablo Zorzoli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's it i cannot wget it from the webserver i get 
> failed: Connection timed out.
> i tried to wgetit from another machine and i get the desired
> output.

So the server where you're running the PHP script can't connect to
the server you specify in your include() call. So, you can now remove
PHP from the problem and work on that.

One way of testing connectivity is to try and telnet there manually:

telnet www.example.org 80

That should time out, which is indicative of your problem. You can
also try to do a DNS lookup:

host www.example.org

This will make sure your server is properly configured to resolve
names and that this specific domain resolves properly. Aside from
that, you can look at your routing table, speak with a network
administrator, etc.

Hope that helps.


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