Oh, yes, this is a big one, you must reset the whole state power grid. :)

Simply restarting Apache should do it. Check if your problem doesn't come from somewhere else - how are you checking if the changes took effect? Also, are you sure you're editing the proper php.ini and not some older install's or a backup or something? Check by setting some self-evident setting in php.ini and restarting Apache. Also, if you're sending the data to a database, make sure it's not the database who's barfing due to its own config settings or limitations.



Mike At Spy wrote:

I changed a value for max uploads in my php.ini file (linux box); I
restarted apache, then the whole server, to get the new value to come up
and, generally, take affect.

Neither of those things did it.  Does anyone know what I need to do to get
the ini file re-read by the OS, or system, so that the new value goes into



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