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> > At 00:29 20/3/2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >Midgard is not exactly a layer above PHP, it's an extension to PHP,
> > >exactly like the session extension, or the gd extension.
> > >
> > >Here is my own point of view (far from objective, cause I'm from the
> > >Midgard team ;):
> > >Midgard is a CMS, like MySQL is a DBMS. MySQL has it's own module in
> > >php4/ext, as well as pgsql, oracle, etc... That gives users the choice of
> > >what DBMS they can use with PHP.
> > >I don't mind *at all* if Zope, or Websphere or whatever other CMS has its
> > >own module in php4/ext (in fact, that would give users more choice, thus
> > >that'd be better).
> > 
> > Not quite :)  The main difference is that, unlike most other extensions,
> > this extension isn't a 'glue' layer that connects PHP to some external
> > resource.  In this case, we're including the resource itself.  It's more
> > similar to including the source code of MySQL or PostgreSQL inside PHP, not
> > a module that connects to them...
> well, AFAIK Midgard is a glue between PHP, mysql and apache. Did you already try it 
>? Did you read the documentation on www.midgard-project.org ?
> > There were a few exceptions to the rule over the years (mostly in PHP 4.0)
> > - PCRE, XML being the most notable ones, and the MySQL client library being
> > another type of exception, made due to the huge popularity of the PHP/MySQL
> > combination.
> > 
> > There are a few open issues here, which should help us understand whether
> > or not this module belongs inside PHP:
> > 
> > - Is it mutually exclusive to other alternatives?  The problem Colin raised
> > does exist, there are quite a few content management applications for PHP
> > out there, and it's a bit unfair to them to bundle a specific one inside PHP.
> I don't know any written as a PHP extension, only pure PHP code.
> > - The license issue - does the inclusion of midgard effect the overall
> > license restrictions of PHP or not?
> I don't think so, we changed the license to be compatible with PHP.
> > - Is the midgard group willing and interested in playing by the php-dev
> > rules?  In particular, "Thou shalt never break the CVS build" is one of the
> > 'higher laws' around here :)
> Yes, unfortunatly you can't tell a blind person not to bump into walls in an unknown 
>place ;)
> More documentations on PHP m4 macros would help.
> > Zeev
> > 
> > 
> --
> David


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