Nice work chris, you have left precious little for the others to comment on :-)

10. Use htmlentities() on data that will be put through a SQL query to
prevent XSS attacks.

This is a nice suggestion. While htmlentities() cannot be guaranteed to defend against all XSS vulnerabilities, I would bet that most XSS vulnerabilities are due to a complete lack of filtering logic. If a developer doesn't even bother using htmlentities(), neglect is the best word to describe his/her approach to developing.

In some cases, the developer may want certain HTML elements interpreted
rather than escaped in this way. Perhaps you could mention that something
like str_replace() can be used to convert specific HTML entities back to
their original form. This method should filter any unwanted elements.

but i would still like to add 2c by saying there is also the option of strip_tags which does a more drastic sanitization by removing anything that smells of html.

Raditha Dissanayake.
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