I am having trouble with creating a list box.
I am attaching the code.
I am not sure the code in the for loop close to the end of the program is correct.

If someone could take a look at it I would appreciate it.

<TITLE>My Class Schedule</TITLE>
<BODY  background="http://www.areawebdirectory.net/sealmark2.gif";>

//Program Name:Class Schedule - pp05_01.php
//Programmer:  Sara Gribble
//Due Date:    October 27,2003
//Description: This program will several list boxes.
//Methods:     The list boxes will be displayed using a
//             Foreach loop
//             While Loop - list and each functions.
//             Manual Iteration - using the next, key and current functions
// This creates an associative array.
echo "<FORM ACTION='pp05_01a.php'>";

$Classes["DP237"] = "Programming Server Side Scripts";
$Classes["DP217"] = "Advanced CGI Programming";
$Classes["MA235"] = "Electronic Commerce";
// This funciton sorts the values in the array.

echo "<font color=#6A110C size=5>
<b><BR>This is using a while loop to create a list box.<BR></b></font>";

echo "<SELECT NAME='Classes'>";

// Here we use the while loop to display the values in the array in a list box.
while(list($ClassesKey,$ClassesValue) = each($Classes)){

 echo "<option value='$ClassesKey'>$ClassesValue</option>";

echo "</select><BR>";

echo "<font size=5><b><BR>This is using a foreach loop to create a list 

echo "<BR><SELECT NAME='Classes'>";

// Here we use a foreach loop to create a list box from the Classes array.
foreach ($Classes As $ClassesValue)

echo "<option value'$ClassesKey'>$ClassesValue</option>";

echo "</SELECT><BR>";
//The ksort function sorts the contents in the array by its indexes.

echo "<font color=darkblue size=5><b><BR>This is creating a list box by manually 
iterating through an array.</b></font>";
echo "<BR><SELECT NAME='Classes'>";
// Here we will iterate through the array manually using a for loop and the 
next,current, and key functions.
for($i=0; $i<3; $i++){

echo "<option value='$ClassesKey'>$ClassesValue</option>";

$CurrentIndexValue = key($Classes);
echo ($CurrentIndexValue);
$CurrentContents = current($Classes);
echo ($CurrentContents);
echo "</SELECT>";

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