The code below inserts the same inventory item into the db multiple
times - 
I just need 1 line entry for each inventory item, but multiple photos
each item....How to do this?

I know the code I wrote below is extremely awful, but I am a nebie and
was the only way I could get it to half-way do what I am wanting

First you can take you database connect statement out of your loop and
put it somewhere before the loop, no need to connect multiple times.

The second thing I would do, and this is just at a glance of the code,
I would separate it into 2 tables, inventory(the table you already have)
and inventory_pics (or something like that) and make that a one to many
relationship, one row in the inventory table can have many rows in the 
inventory_pics table.

I can take closer look at your code tonight.

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