Matt Palermo wrote:
> I am writing a desktop application using PHP-GTK.  I would
> like this program to be able to connect to a remote server,
> call some functions that I specify, and return the right
> information (most likely from a MySQL db).  I have access to
> the server, so I can create any and all functions that I
> want, but I don't know how to connect to the remote server
> page and get all the results.  I am new to cross-server
> comunication programming, so if anyone knows of a very
> detailed and easy to learn tutorial please send me the link.
> I would appreciate any help you are willing to offer.
> Thanks,
> Matt

For mysql queries I use this...

function db_connect($dbhost,$dbname,$dbuser,$dbpass) {

        global $MYSQL_ERRNO, $MYSQL_ERROR;
        $link = mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbname,$dbuser,$dbpass);
        if (!$link_id) {
                $MYSQL_ERRNO = 0;
                $MYSQL_ERROR = "Connection failed to the host $dbhost";
                return 0;
        else if(empty($dbname) && !mysql_select_db($dbname)) {
                $MYSQL_ERRNO = mysql_errno();
                $MYSQL_ERROR = mysql_error();
                return 0;
        else return $link;

Mysql_select_db(dbname, $link_id);

$query="select * from tablename";


While ($query_data=mysql_fetch_row($result)) 
        echo $query_data[0],$query_data[1],$query_data[2],etc


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