definately take a look at

Might take a day or so to get used to the concept bit it makes maintaing and creating large sites (and small) a doddle.

Main thing is that it seperated php code from html

can't imagine not using it on any site anymore..


Adam wrote:


I'm not new to programing or web development but I am new to creating dynamic pages.

I've read through a couple books. I've worked through problems and exercises. Installed and configured the software a few different times in Win32 and OS X. At this point, I feel I have a good handle on the environment and lexical structure. What I don't have is a grasp on best practices. For real sites I'm a little confused on how to implement all this new knowledge. For example, I've got a site that was static with bits of CGI to PHP. I was going to generate all the HTML from a PHP script, but that turned into a mess. So I tried creating the pages is mostly HTML with little bits of PHP. Placing the logic in another file and linking the two pages. I'm not really sure if that is the best approach.

My question, how do you guys build your pages? Do your scripts generate all the HTML? I'm looking for tips and resources. Remember for my first site I've embarked on a fairly large site. Code maintenance will be an issue for me as I need to enhance and fix it later on.

Thanks guys!


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