While you can use an array type in postgresql, in most cases I'd recommend
against it.  This is basically a repeating group, and in a relational
database the proper way to handle this type of need would be to have a
related table with a Many to 1 relationship back to the parent table.

If you are intent on using the array type, I believe your insert syntax
requires that the values be provided like so

In insert: values ('{value1, value2, .. value_n}' etc
In update: Set Columnname = '{value1, value2, .. value_n}'

-----Original Message-----
From: Roy Cabaniss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 12:55 PM
To: List PHP General
Subject: [PHP] Array + postgresql + braincramp

The problem is most likely that I have been looking at it for too long

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