On Friday, November 28, 2003, at 12:17 AM, pete M wrote:

What Preg_replace code would I need to highlight all the code within the "<script </script>" tags in red.. (case insensitive)

What I want is a view_source.php page to highlight the javascript for a tutorial I'm writing. Can view the source ok but need to highlight the code.

Not a regular expression expert ;-(


$old = "before before
<script type='text/javascript'>
function foo()
        // bah
after after";

// i assume the source will have htmlentities applied...
$old = htmlentities($old);

// ...therefore we need to match on &lt; and &gt; rather than < and >
$new = preg_replace('/&lt;script(.*?)&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/script&gt;/ s','&lt;script\\1&gt;<span style="color:red;">\\2</span>&lt;/script&gt;',$old);

echo "<pre>{$new}</pre>";

season to taste :)

Justin French

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