Hi Wouter,

The only disadvantage to assigning to $this is that it may not be supported in PHP 5 - php-internals discussion has described it as a bad idea. I would get beta 2 and test it out, see what happens.

Incidentally, you don't need to unset new, and I would use

$this =& $New;


Wouter van Vliet wrote:

Greg Beaver wrote:


you could try this adding this method to each object you need
blessings from:

function &bless($classname)
    if ($classname == get_class($this)) {
        return $this;
    $vars = get_object_vars($this);
    $ret = new $classname;
    return $ret->loadValues($vars);

function &loadValues($vals)
    foreach ($vals as $name => $val) {
        $this->$name = $val;
    return $this;

In the Load() method, you should determine what class you
need, and call $ret = &$this->bless('classname'), and then return

Then, instead of doing



$Thing = &$Thing->Load();

and have Load() return an object instance (either $this or the newly
blessed object).

This will maintain encapsulation and achieve the results you're
looking for.


Thanks Greg .. this comes pretty close to what I had done myself as a workaround. Only thing that's different is that in my bless implementation I don't return the blessed value, but overwrite the $this var. Which works. What advantage do you think I would get from your appraoch?

[snip The Way I Bless {example from own memory, cannot reach the actual code
at this time} ]
function Bless($ClassName) {
        // return false if class doesn't exist
        if (!class_exists($ClassName)) return false;

$New = new $ClassName();

        foreach($this as $Key => $Value) $New[$Key] = $Value;
        $this = $New;
        unset $New);
[/snip The Way I Bless]

Hmm .. maybe I'm thinking 'out of te box' here, but can I manually add this
functionality to stdClass, so that they are available in each and ever
object I create?

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