Hello Video,

Tuesday, December 2, 2003, 1:04:34 AM, you wrote:

VPeO> Now, how do you charge your services? Do you do it on a
VPeO> time-slot basis (seems kind of awkard to me since much PHP code
VPeO> can be reused a l o t!) or do you do it on the basis of the size
VPeO> of projects and whether new code has to be developed etc etc?

That is for you to decide and your client to agree with. Some will
prefer a fixed-cost project, others prefer time sheets. The fact you
are re-using code isn't a bad thing, I mean, you wrote it in the first
place right? and you're not a charity.. so what if you manage to save
yourself a few hours :)

VPeO> control the PHP code that I develop. How do I make sure that I'm
VPeO> not just used once for a project and thereafter thrown on the
VPeO> trashbin, i.e. they take the code and keep using it for many

Get a good contract. Unless they'll allow PHP script encoding (Zend
Encoder, etc) on their server, you have no other choice.

VPeO> And what is a proper pay?

Depends on country, location within country, age, experience, etc etc

VPeO> obfuscators... but let's get real. They don't come close to
VPeO> hiding code (from these web designers and web admins.) as
VPeO> compiled software is hidden from end users.

So compile it :)

Best regards,
 Richard                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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