Hi i am very new to PHP so need some help !

i have a form which allows the user to put in 2 team names and then displays
them, at the moment it displays them side by side but i need to insert V
(versus) in the middle--how can i do that.
I am guessing it goes in the lines of the code below somewhere, This code
originally displayed someones input for --first name,last name and address
so i have adapted it. Is there anyway to have the 'address' field display a
set value as in a V , at the moment i have removed that part but the table
field is still there, i have just hidden the form input.

  $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM teams",$db);

    while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

      printf("<a href=\"%s?id=%s\">%s %s</a> \n", $PHP_SELF, $myrow["id"],

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