Here's a followup to my problem with ldap_mod_replace and ldap_modify.
 Attached is a simple program demonstrating the problem.  Basically,
if you try to fill an attribute in ldap that is something around 17000
characters or above, ldap_mod_replace hangs.  I've determined it
is definately a PHP problem, since ldap_modify
from the commandline works consistently and fine with very high amounts of

Thus, in the following simple code:

$conn = ldap_connect("ldap://";);
ldap_set_option($conn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
ldap_bind($conn, 'uid=root,ou=users,dc=server,dc=net', 'password');
$dn = "mnTB=CB1,mnTS=abra,mnT=index,dc=peterjh,dc=in,dc=us,dc=server,dc=net";
$array = array();
$output = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < 170;  $i++)
    # 26 * 4 = 104 - 4 = 100              
    # thus append a hundred characters each iteration
    $string = 
    $output .= $string;
print strlen($output) ."\n";
$array['mnappparam'][0] = $output;
ldap_mod_replace($conn, $dn, $array);

Setting the top of $i to 170 or above hangs (consistently) ldap_mod_replace.
 Technically, 161-180 (thus, 17000-18000 characters) hangs inconsistently,
while 160 and belows never hangs (16000 characters) and 181+ (181000
chars) hangs everytime.

Any help on this would be highly appreciated,
Peter John Hartman

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